Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Learning NVC includes learning to:

  • Shift patterns of thinking that lead to anger and depression
  • Build relationships based on compassion and understanding
  • Be assertive and negotiable at the same time

NVC can dramatically improve our relationships with ourselves and others by helping us focus our attention on:

  • Empathic understanding of the feelings and needs that often lie beneath blame and criticism –  both our own and others
  • Expressing our feelings and needs openly and honestly, while also prioritizing connection

NVC delineates four components of communication:

  • Observations free of evaluations
  • Feelings straight from the heart
  • Needs, values and longings and
  • Requests expressed clearly in positive action language

Together these tools help create the kind of dialogue that can foster resolutions satisfying for everyone without compromising our values. Even in situations of longstanding conflict or hostility, the NVC process can open new doors to compassionate connection and action.

More resources:


Download NVC summary here